About imageAbout imageAbout image
Indie-Station is a partnership with Miley Cyrus and Armada Jakenson to help Support, Host, indie Artist/Producer music and help make their music more successful.

                                                             "Incubating Innovations In Music"
INDIE-STATION is an Indie music and indie artist site where Producers and artists can upload their music and where Industry leading Producers and Music Company Reps can hear your music. We strive to support all types of music from all parts of the world. "Imagination is more important than knowlege."  "Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks." “Without music, life would be a mistake” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato

Tired of being Rejected and or moderated on those other #IndieMusicSites? Here at our #BrandNEWINDIEMUSICSITE
#IndieStation We support the #IndieArtists and #IndieMusicProducers. Send us your tracks.
Send us an Email with your music "attached", in MP3 format, with the following information on each track:
Artist Name:
Song Title:
Buy Link (Or other link)
Say something about each track. Keep it short, to 50 characters)
Produced by:
Co-Produced by:
General Info:
Send the file(s) via attachment, in MP3 format, with the track info in the body of the email IN order of the upload to:

We aim to "revolutionize" the entire music industry!
If we ALL had our OWN websites with ALL of our music tracks for sale on them......WE take back the CONTROL of OUR....ART! We can market our entire sites to our fans! TALK about #IncubatingInnovationsInMusic
The #HOTNEWTREND is to create your own website and upload your music to sell or stream for free for all of your fans. YOU are in Control.......of YOUR music! NO more ADMIN Nazis and Rejection! When a Problem arises, the #INTELLIGENT come up with GOOD solutions! Now WHO in the Celebrity world do YOU know of...whom has their VERY OWN Websites to upload music to and sell it on their own???? We got this idea in a brainstorm and gave the idea to Miley first...then YOU Tyrese......We each need to control OUR OWN music! It's our ART! OUR SOULS! OUR...PASSION!
MY AIM is to get EVERY SIGNED (Celebrity Musicians) and UNSIGNED (INDIE) artist and Producer to have their OWN websites to control Their OWN music......the Marketing, and that way, fans can go to websites to download their music and the money goes DIRECTLY to the artists instead of through middlemen and other channels that take cuts off the top! THINK about how that directly benefits ALL of US!!!! Why should patrons have to create profiles, login, verify accounts ALL just to stream music freely? People today don't want to DO that! they want to go to a site, scroll through the genres, then hit "Play"! The simpler it is.....the more successful for everyone!

*NOTE: If you wish to purchase any track, look for the SHOPPING CART ICON to the right of the title of that song.
**If you wish to copy the URL to a particular song or track, just click the "i" link to the right of that track.
Miley Cyrus and Armada Jakenson  thank you for allowing us to host your music with us.

Single songs/tracks are free to host. Entire albums (12 tracks in a group) are free for the first 6 months then only $10 a month thereafter